Google BigQuery for Marketers and Agencies – Course

Google BigQuery logo with a laptop and an image of a person

Big and exciting news on my end, I have just launched my second course on Udemy called “Google BigQuery for Marketers and Agencies”! This course has been purely built on student feedback, comments extracted from this blog and my professional experience in the marketing space. In fact, the first thought-starter for this course was the positive feedback I got for my article “The Beginner’s Guide to Using BigQuery with Google Data Studio”. This prompted me to explore further the problems marketers are facing when dealing with data.

The course curriculum is put together in a progressive fashion. It starts with an introduction to the most useful SQL queries for marketers and the role of both BigQuery, and SQL in the larger data ecosystem. The course also dives into two exciting hands-on projects. Here are some additional details, I have added a promo code as well 🙂

Course Details

Google BigQuery for Marketers and Agencies

The course’s focus is on the modern marketing professional and my goal is to bridge the gap between data analysis and digital marketing, and help any marketer become a data-driven decision-maker. Often, data analysis or SQL, in particular, is perceived as something out of reach for the non-technical crowd and that’s not the case, with tools like Google Data Studio and Google BigQuery you can elevate the use of marketing data to a whole new level.

Provider Details
Provider Name : Lachezar Arabadzhiev
A few things that you can learn from this course:
  • Explore eCommerce and CRM user-level data in Google Analytics 360 (Project #1)
  • Visualize BigQuery tables and queries in Google Data Studio (Project #2)
  • Use Google Sheets and .CVS files to ingest data and create permanent BigQuery tables
  • Explore semi-structured data with ARRAY_AGG, UNNEST and STRUCT.
  • Combine multiple data tables with different types of JOINs – INNER, LEFT and RIGHT
  • Create nested queries by using the WITH clause
  • Aggregate data with SUM, COUNT and GROUP BY

I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on LinkedIn or leave a comment here ?

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